Posts tagged ‘european union’

June 20, 2014

The British recovery. No conundrum there… (4 graphs)

and probably it will never recover, that is what you get when you take all jobs and all investments to Southeast Asia

June 20, 2014

China arrasa la economía global

  Toda la inversión occidental se ha desplazado en las últimas 2 décadas al sudeste asiático, no es de extrañar que eso haya terminado aupando a China a la cabeza de muchos indicadores macroeconómicos. Habría que ver qué porcentaje de la población china se está beneficiando de esa situación, teniendo en cuenta que en China se dan la mano la peor perversión del comunismo y el capitalismo de toda la historia conocida

June 8, 2014

Basque Country: more than 100.000 people in a human chain for democracy and against spanish menaces

Gure Esku Dago (It’s in our hands) is a movement in favor of democracy (aka “the right to decide”) in the Basque Country.Their main goal is to achieve citizen support for the Basques’ right to decide. The movement is all-inclusive, as it extends to everybody its invitation to participate.

The group stands on three basic ideas:

1. The Basque Country is a nation
2. Basques have a right to decide
3. The future is in the hands of the citizens of the Basque Country

The tenets of the initiative are based on the certainty that the lack of this right is the origin of the political conflict in the Basque Country and that it is a pre-politic claim, to create a democratic base that has always been a part of the political and social agenda of the country.

 Twitter hashtags:



Among the activities supported is a Human Chain that will connect Durango to Iruña/Pamplona today Sunday June 8th


June 5, 2014

Catalan leader Pujol defends shift in favour of independence

That’s what he should have done when he was in the Government, not supporting the Spanish regime

Americans For Catalonia

Article published at Global Post – June 1st.

Jordi Pujol, long-time former President of Catalonia: “I’ve always been anti-independence, for 60 or more years of my life. And now at the end of it all I see that the conditions in which they want us to live in the Spanish state do not allow us to maintain our identity.” 

For decades Jordi Pujol was the foremost champion of Catalan nationalism, who boosted the powers of the region even as he argued it should remain a part of Spain.

Now the former head of the regional government of Catalonia campaigns vigorously for outright independence, mirroring a shift in mood in the northeastern region of Spain.

“I’ve always been anti-independence, for 60 or more years of my life. And now at the end of it all I see that the conditions in which they want us to live in the Spanish state…

View original post 18 more words

May 29, 2014

Madrid lost the Olympics bid for attacking Gibraltar

If you carry on with these border queues we will make sure you don’t get the Olympic Games” said PM David Cameron to the head of the Spanish Regime, Mariano Rajoy.

     “The great disappointment“, shouted the front page of El Mundo newspaper, while ABC said “Goodbye to the Olympic dream“. Madrid came in a surprising third place behind Istanbul and winners Tokyo despite being tipped as the favourite in the lead-up to the bid last September. During Madrid’s final presentation in Buenos Aires, Spanish Olympic Committee President Alejandro Blanco fielded a set of difficult questions from British IOC delegate Adam Pengilly, according to online sports website Inside the Games. The day before the host city election, thousands of Spaniards filled the streets around the Puerta de Alcalá in the heart of Madrid, high on the hopes of victory, with big screens expected to beam in good news from Buenos Aires. But the party atmosphere dampened as the rain started to fall, with Madrid unceremoniously booted out in the first round, silencing the crowd, and sending them home, or to drown their sorrows.

   British Member of the European Parliament Sir Graham Watson, a Liberal Democrat, reportedly told the Gibraltar Broadcasting Corporation: “Indeed I am told that PM (David) Cameron actually said to the Spanish Prime Minister (Mariano Rajoy), ‘If you carry on with these border queues we will make sure you don’t get the Olympic Games.” But a spokesperson for David Cameron’s government has dismissed Watson’s comments, claiming the UK “did not favour any of the three finalists over others, and there was absolutely no UK attempt to influence any of the bids“.

   Tensions between the UK and Spain flared in July 2013 when the Spanish Regime, trying to create a smokescreen to divert attention from its economic problems, started a fear campaign against the people of Gibraltar and surrounding area, with military incursions in Gibraltar territorial waters by the Spanish Guardia Civil, one of the many militarized forces that supported the fascist General Franco’s regime.

May 27, 2014

El regimen tiembla ante la irrupción de “Podemos” con 5 eurodiputados

   Con más de 1.200.000 votos, la formación democrática con apenas 4 meses de vida se convierte en una seria alternativa de gobierno en muchas instituciones, que ya ha empezado a poner nerviosos a los cabecillas del regimen español. Sin más ayuda económica que las donaciones de sus simpatizantes y sin ningun tipo de estructura formal, la formación que hasta ahora ha encabezado el profesor universitario Pablo Iglesias ha irrumpido directamente como el 4º partido más votado en todo el estado español, por delante de grupos con una financiación y una organización muy superior, como podría ser el caso de la formación nacionalista española UPyD. Las mafias financieras de la bolsa, las mafias bancarias, las mafias políticas de los partidos de la casta, las mafias mediáticas que sustentan a estos…todos tienen motivos para estar nerviosos ante los cambios democráticos, pero de verdad, ojo: con una verdadera participación de la población en la toma de decisiones, no el cuento que hasta ahora han tratado de vendernos como democracia los políticos profesionales de los partidos del oficialismo borbónico, principalmente el bloque PPsoe. Es un hecho que una población consciente y organizada es un problema para las mafias que a día de hoy hacen negocio con nuestras vidas, y ya hemos observado reacciones en consecuencia. El proceso de criminalización de “Podemos”, sus simpatizantes y representantes empezó el minuto después de conocerse los resultados electorales, y no en un frente, si no en varios. Al tiempo que los diarios propagandísticos del reino empezaban una campaña de concienciacion anti-Podemos, vease este impagable artículo del panfleto pro-franquista ABC, la “inteligencia” del regimen ha empezado a elaborar dossiers con información relativa a la organización: estructuras de gestión, implantación en las redes sociales, vinculaciones con otras organizaciones sociales y partidos etc…No ya tanto los resultados de estas elecciones europeas, si no la proyección en el tiempo de los mismos, es lo que asusta en todos los centros de control que van desde Madrid a Washington, pasando por Bruselas. En España todo ha estado “atado y bien atado” desde…siempre, al igual que ocurre en otras muchas provincias americanas, y cualquier variación aleatoria de esa situación, sin el control directo del regimen, es un peligro para el status quo de muchísimo dinero. La oposición frontal a su proyecto, diversificada en infinidad de frentes (de los cuales muchos nada tienen que ver con la política), incluida la infiltración, es un problema que ya tiene Syriza en Grecia desde las anteriores elecciones. Que no nos quepa duda de que la verdadera batalla de “Podemos” empieza ahora que el regimen ha puesto su atención, aunque sólo sea circunstancialmente, sobre la organización. Los ataques desde fuera y desde dentro para impedir que la organización extrapole esos resultados a futuros comicios que le puedan granjear cotas de poder local o regional, como alternativa más realistas a corto plazo, ya han dado comienzo. Lo que no me cabe duda es que este movimiento social no hay quien lo pare por su propia naturaleza. Esto no es un grupo de gente que se pone de acuerdo porque quieran hacer negocios por lucro personal, perfil al que responden la mayoria de sus adversarios; somos un grupo de gente haciendo uso de nuestro instinto de supervivencia para conseguir vivir en paz. Estamos seguros que PODEMOS.


May 27, 2014

The Eurozone: domestic demand lowflation continues

not buying has become one of the most powerfull weapons of average citizens

May 26, 2014

Pro-independence parties win european elections in Catalonia

   ERC, the Left-Wing Catalan Independence Party which has been leading the democratic transition in Catalunya from Spain to democracy, won yesterday the european election in Catalunya. The pro-independence party doubled their last results and it’s again, since 1936, the first political force in the country. ERC leaders have declared that this should be interpreted as support for a democratic vote on self-determination and proof of the pro-European will of the majority of Catalans, with EU membership for an independent Catalonia in mind. These results also mean that the poll that will be celebrated next November is a necessary step for Catalan transition to democracy,because despite the several menaces from the Spanish regime,people in Catalonia want to decide theit future in peace. While Spanish nationalists parties have lost thousands of votes in Catalonia, the parties who actively support the democratic transition to make Catalunya another european state have clearly won this election. Citizens were mobilised and have significantly increased the low 36.94% turnout registered in 2009.

Catalan people say it loud and clear: “Catalunya don’t fear spanish menaces”

   The EU membership of Catalonia after the creation of a free catalan state has become the decisive argument that could stop the growth of independence support. The European Commission has sent contradictory messages in the past two years regarding the independence of Catalonia, the Basque Country or Scotland, their right to hold a vote on self-determination and their potential EU Membership, but the truth is that  several EU experts have stated that an automatic expulsion of any new state born inside an already european member would be a political decision rather than a legal one. Therefore, EU institutions, by siding with the Spanish Government and not supporting Catalonia’s right to self-determination, have taken sides on the issue, thereby making independence an EU topic.


Spanish nationalists have used fear and hate as an electoral weapon, accusing supporters of Catalan independence of “creating tension” and “hate”, despite the self-determination movement in Catalonia being entirely peaceful. The PP has been insisting on this for some months already, in a clear strategy to link Catalan independence and violence.

May 26, 2014

EH Bildu wins european elections in the Basque Country

  The basque left wing party Bildu, which has been actively working for the peace proccess in Euskadi against all  menaces from Madrid, won yesterday the european poll in most basque territories, becoming the first political force of the whole country. This results should open new ways of building peace between both countries.

“The basque transition is unstopable”

   Basque people, as catalans, have said loud and clear that they want to decide their future without menaces from the Spanish regime. They want a relationship with the Spanish Government based in equality,as equals: no more as a colony of Madrid under military ocupation with no real power for their leaders. The whole country is commited with peace, and there’s no turning back to violence and war. The Spanish regime should understand that democracy is the only way of solving things, not killing political dissidents. The conflict between the Basque Country and the Spanish centralist authorities is more than two centuries old, leaving behind thousand of dead people in both sides.

May 25, 2014

Comunicado de LA IZQUIERDA sobre el 25M

poquito @ poco…