Posts tagged ‘royal family’

June 8, 2014

Material de difusión ‘Monarquía ¡¡ABOLICIÓN!!

si los que están dentro se niegan a representar la voluntad popular una vez más con el pucherazo del becario de Franco, la ciudadanía tendrá que tomar la iniciativa de alguna forma. La democracia española ha dejado de ser una farsa para convertirse en un esperpento lleno de miseria y mentiras. Yo me expreso en democracia: YO ROMPO CON FELIPE.

6     C  Octavilla

2 junioMM

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June 7, 2014

King Juan Carlos : Killing my brother was just the beginning

The documentary you will never see in any Spanish TV channel about the Spanish King Juan Carlos de Borbón:

  Produced by Canal+ France in 2013, this docummentary is probably the only true biography in video made about the rise and fall of the Spanish Chief of  State chosen by General Franco himself as his sucesor. The death of his brother by a bullet in the head from a gun he shot or his affairs with Corinna are among the many subjects Spanish citizens don’t know anything about because of the censorship around their Royal family, a censorship also treated in this documentary.

June 5, 2014

El cabecilla del clan Borbón pretende colocar a su hijo a dedo

     Atentando una vez más contra la legalidad democrática, el títere elegido por Franco para continuar sus planes quiere a su vez colocar a dedo a su hijo en la misma poltrona que le fue cedida por el dictador genocida, sin ningún tipo de elección democrática previa por parte de la ciudadanía española, y haciéndolo en un tiempo record para intentar evitar de esa forma cualquier reacción democrática del pueblo que pueda inportunar sus planes de hacerse con el poder sin haber pasado nunca por ninguna urna.
Los ciudadanos del regimen español no quieren más guerra, ni más amenazas terroristas ni del ejercito español, ni del ejercito vasco, ni de ningun otro ejercito para atemorizar a la población e influir en sus decisiones, ni más represión policial contra las manifestaciones pacíficas de la voluntad popular, ni más impunidad para los cachorros de Franco que pretenden seguir perpetuando su ideario nacional-catolicista que tantos muertos ha dejado a su paso, ni más exclavitud laboral para engordar a los accionistas de las empresas del IBEX35…  Los ciudanos españoles tan sólo quieren decidir democráticamente a quien quieren elegir como su Jefe de Estado, igual que hacen en los paises democráticos, en vista del sueldazo que va a llevarse el maromo que se haga con la plaza. Lo que la sociedad española del siglo XXI no está dispuesta a aguantar es que sea el títere de un dictador genocida quien tome esas decisiones unilateralmente pensando sólo en su provecho y el de su clan. Seguro que hay mucha más gente mejor capacitada para ser Jefe de Estado que alguien que se va a ganar el puesto porque se lo ha regalado su papi, el adalid de la democracia peninsular. Dejennos demostrarlo pacificamente votando en democracia.

June 4, 2014

El becario de Franco se rinde

      El hombre al cual eligió el General Franco personalmente como su sucesor en la jefatura de estado en España, Juan Carlos de Borbón, dimite de sus funciones ante la presión popular tras los sucesivos escándalos de corrupción protagonizados por varias personas de su entorno familiar, incluido él mismo. Los viajes y cacerías a nuestra costa, la relación de Juan Carlos con la vedette alemana Corinna a espaldas de su esposa, los problemas con la bebida y la cocaina o la propensión al dinero facil son todas ellas virtudes compartidas por uno o varios miembros del clan de los Borbones segun el caso. El inestimable apoyo de la prensa internacional a la hora de poner en conocimiento de los ciudadanos españoles este tipo de tropelias ha sido determinante para llegar a conocer la verdadera cara de algunos miembros del clan, ante la imposibilidad de hacerlo a traves de los medios españoles, los cuales casi en su totalidad están sujetos a la censura del regimen. Segun se comenta en Palacio, la orden viene directamente de Washington, y tiene como objetivo asentar el proceso de lavado de imagen de la familia real española, el cual pretende devolverles la popularidad perdida en las encuestas, tras tener conocimiento la ciudadanía de las actividades de varios de sus miembros. La urgencia por asentar el status de los elegidos por Franco como sus sucesores en el poder viene motivada en gran parte por el miedo creciente de muchos sectores del regimen ante la posibilidad de una reorganización de los movimientos democráticos contrarios a las “ataduras” del legado del cobarde general genocida Francisco Franco, siendo la imposición por la fuerza del modelo de estado una de las más evidentes “ataduras”  que dejó el terrorismo franquista para seguir perpetuándose desde dentro del mismo regimen, pero cambiando su apariencia externa (para atraer más turismo/ inversión y permitir su incorporación a instituciones como la UE)  bajo el escaparate de democracia.


October 18, 2013

Infanta Cristina, Duchess of Palma: beyond good and evil

  While Infanta Cristina is hiding in Suiza from Justice, the show goes on in the Spanish Circus.Investigating authorities allege that Iñaki Urdangarin (Duke of Palma), his wife Cristina de Brobón (Duchess of Palma and King’s daughter) and his former business partner Diego Torres funneled about 5 million euros ($6.4 million) in public funds to companies they controlled. The three ran a nonprofit organization called the Noos Institute, through which the funds were channeled and of which the princess was a board member.Spanish Royal Family
In a court document , investigating magistrate Judge Jose Castro said the princess was a board member on two of her husband’s companies. The magistrate added there was evidence the princess was aware that her husband had used her name and status in his dealings, from which both had benefited. Castro said such evidence could lead the princess to be classified as an accomplice. But just after Judge Castro formally named the princess as a suspect in his investigation, the prosecutor began acting as defense counsel for Princess Cristina. It took them only a few days to get the Princess out of any issue with Justice. Of course Justice is the same for everybody in the Spanish democracy. When General Franco put king Juan Carlos in charge of the Spanish Regime, they both showed the whole world the levels of democracy Spain was getting at the time. These days, many members of the Spanish Royal Family are supporting the recently created “Spain trademark” the way they know: showing the world who’s boss in the Spanish Regime.

April 5, 2013

Baroness Carmen Cervera uses island haven in South Pacific to manage her art collection

Documents obtained by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists show how Thyssen-Bornemisza built up part of her collection buying art from international auction houses such as Sotheby’s and Christie’s through a Cook Islands company. The offshore service provider now called Portcullis TrustNet helped with the arrangements under a secretive structure that connected people in as many as six different countries, just to evade paying taxes.

baronesa thyseenl

April 4, 2013

Infanta Cristina of Spain, Duchess of Palma (King Juan Carlos’s youngest daughter) accused in corruption inquiry

  It is reported to be the first court summons for a direct descendant of the Spanish king. Investigating Judge Jose Castro said Wednesday that fresh evidence suggested that she was aware that her husband used her name and status in dealings from which they both benefitted. She was a member of the board of the Noos Institute between 2004-2006, through which Duke of Palma won public contracts to stage sporting and tourism events. She also co-owned one of the private companies which her husband allegedly used to divert funds. Until now, the princess had avoided being dragged formally into the case, although accusations had been mounting up against her.


  Support for the monarchy reached a historic low of 54 percent, according to a poll in February in the aftermath of the Urdangarin scandal and following the king’s ill-fated Botswana safari to hunt elephants last April.

September 17, 2012

“Bye Bye Hopita!”: Countess Hope Aguirre says goodbye to Madrid Regional Government

She leaves PP Government in its darkest hour in the history of Spain. Many say the fake sentimentality in her statement is intended only to benefit the “Partido Popular” in the upcoming elections in Galicia and the Basque Country. Countess Hope Aguirre’s popularity was at its lowest point. Less than a week ago, Hopey was attacked by a housewife with a “deadly” tupperware.

1 Countess Hope Aguirre stroking her hair – 2 wearing a helmet – 3 protesting against IVA – 4 praying to Allah – 5 waving her abanico – 6 simply smiling

As Countess and Grandee of Spain, Hopey will have no problem to live with the high standard of living she likes

September 12, 2012

New facelift for the Spanish royal family


“my bald head itches” says JC

After the infamous “Elephant incident“, the “Froilan furtive shots” and the fraud scandal of the Dukes of Palma, image consultants of the Spanish royal family have designed an ambitious facelift plan: first they sended the Queen to Philippines, the King himself asked for sorry in a very emotive brief declaration in all TV channels, Prince Philipo appeared in many events related to business and finances (always good for the country), and they all have been seen much more than often in many sports acts and social acts.
If the popularity of the Spanish Royal Family had decreased in these last few years due to the Royal behaviour of some of their members, it seems this elaborated facelift plan is giving better results than Rajoy’s girl. (“Rajoy’s girl saga” was one of the most famous media events of the past years in the Spanish Regime)

People has now forgotten those elephants hunts in Botswana and those fraud scandals, and things are back where they were thanks to their efforts in the media. The press officer of the Royal Household has given several interviews in recent days (something not very usual in the Spanish regime) to promote the new look of the Spanish Crown to the media. The people of Spain have thanked them with a brand new website where every Royal member’s got his/her own Royal profile, her own photoalbum etc.. included, of course, the Dukes of Palma… aren’t they cute?

December 24, 2011

Fraud scandal in Spanish Royal Family: Absence of the Princesses in Congress

Princess Helen

A spokesman for the Royal Family has confirmed that the Princesses Elena and Cristina will not attend this year’s solemn opening ceremony of the Legislature.‭ ‬Nor will therefore be the Duke of Palma,‭ ‬Iñaki Urdargarín currently under judicial investigation for alleged irregular activities of the Noos Institute he and Princess Cristina were presiding.

Hiding from the press

Bad times for the Spanish royal family,‭ ‬now under the spotlight of journalists for their implications in fraudulent financial activities with some leaders of Partido Popular (political arm of General Franco’s way of thinking after his death, now in the Spanish Government). Even today the full implications are unknown in this case of corruption and financial scandals. So far are known to be several hundred million € fraud over the business of Iñaki & Cristina, Dukes of Palma.