Posts tagged ‘political’

May 26, 2014

Pro-independence parties win european elections in Catalonia

   ERC, the Left-Wing Catalan Independence Party which has been leading the democratic transition in Catalunya from Spain to democracy, won yesterday the european election in Catalunya. The pro-independence party doubled their last results and it’s again, since 1936, the first political force in the country. ERC leaders have declared that this should be interpreted as support for a democratic vote on self-determination and proof of the pro-European will of the majority of Catalans, with EU membership for an independent Catalonia in mind. These results also mean that the poll that will be celebrated next November is a necessary step for Catalan transition to democracy,because despite the several menaces from the Spanish regime,people in Catalonia want to decide theit future in peace. While Spanish nationalists parties have lost thousands of votes in Catalonia, the parties who actively support the democratic transition to make Catalunya another european state have clearly won this election. Citizens were mobilised and have significantly increased the low 36.94% turnout registered in 2009.

Catalan people say it loud and clear: “Catalunya don’t fear spanish menaces”

   The EU membership of Catalonia after the creation of a free catalan state has become the decisive argument that could stop the growth of independence support. The European Commission has sent contradictory messages in the past two years regarding the independence of Catalonia, the Basque Country or Scotland, their right to hold a vote on self-determination and their potential EU Membership, but the truth is that  several EU experts have stated that an automatic expulsion of any new state born inside an already european member would be a political decision rather than a legal one. Therefore, EU institutions, by siding with the Spanish Government and not supporting Catalonia’s right to self-determination, have taken sides on the issue, thereby making independence an EU topic.


Spanish nationalists have used fear and hate as an electoral weapon, accusing supporters of Catalan independence of “creating tension” and “hate”, despite the self-determination movement in Catalonia being entirely peaceful. The PP has been insisting on this for some months already, in a clear strategy to link Catalan independence and violence.

May 26, 2014

EH Bildu wins european elections in the Basque Country

  The basque left wing party Bildu, which has been actively working for the peace proccess in Euskadi against all  menaces from Madrid, won yesterday the european poll in most basque territories, becoming the first political force of the whole country. This results should open new ways of building peace between both countries.

“The basque transition is unstopable”

   Basque people, as catalans, have said loud and clear that they want to decide their future without menaces from the Spanish regime. They want a relationship with the Spanish Government based in equality,as equals: no more as a colony of Madrid under military ocupation with no real power for their leaders. The whole country is commited with peace, and there’s no turning back to violence and war. The Spanish regime should understand that democracy is the only way of solving things, not killing political dissidents. The conflict between the Basque Country and the Spanish centralist authorities is more than two centuries old, leaving behind thousand of dead people in both sides.

May 23, 2014

La dispersión del voto de izquierdas beneficiará al PPsoe

   La actual oferta de partidos de izquierda, tanto de nuevo cuño como formaciones “históricas”, que concurren a las elecciones europeas de mayo de 2014 puede terminar perjudicando a la izquierda en general,asi como a practicamente todos estos partidos de forma particular. La Izquierda Plural, L’Esquerra pel Dret a Decidir, Los Pueblos Deciden, Podemos, Primavera Europea, Partido X… sinceramente ¿Tan poca voluntad hay de formar un frente común, una verdadera IZQUIERDA UNIDA, aunque fuera sólo a modo de coalición electoral para no perder votos con la dispersión? Despues cada partido podría haberse arreglado en función de lo que le hubiese tocado, no que de esta forma, muchos de ellos perderán miles de votos que no computarán para un diputado, votos que sumados si podráin significar mucho.

   Si algo ha caracterizado a la derecha nacionalista española en estas últimas décadas ha sido su capacidad para agruparse bajo unas mismas siglas. Bajo el paraguas del PP se cobijan un amplio abanico de tendencias que van desde la tradicional extrema derecha franquista española que también ha sabido mimetizarse con el actual regimen borbónico (cualquiera diría que lo tenían ya todo pensado cuando palmó Franco) hasta los liberales democratas que,historicamente, les han apoyado; pasando por monarquicos, integristas católicos, y, por supuesto, la plana mayor del capitalismo adscrito al regimen que tanto desprecio ha mostrado siempre por cualquier tipo de avances democráticos en los derechos laborales. Después de las elecciones ya ellos se entienden, o no (por eso a veces acaban los ajustes de cuentas a tiros) pero lo que si es cierto es que de esa forma no desperdician ni un voto. En esa estrategia del poli bueno/poli malo entra el PSOE para dar legitimidad al espectáculo: aquí se trata de captar el voto del ciudadano que aun no les ha descubierto el timo, (que siguen siendo muchos), y presentarse como una alternativa, cuando en realidad no lo son: ambos partidos representan 2 papeles distintos en este circo, pero al mismo tiempo que ambos obedecen a los mismos intereses y comparten los mismos objetivos de control de la población al servicio de sus amos corporativos. Es la misma estrategia de infiltración usada en otros paises desde hace décadas y está demostrado que en las democracias bananeras como la nuestra funcionan, asi que ¿por que cambiarlas? Lo cierto es que de esa forma nuestros amos en la bolsa de New York se aseguran ya un buen puñado de votos. Si despues por motivos de la aritmética electoral todos sabemos lo que perjudica la dispersión del voto a los partidos que se ven afectados por ella (de los cuales muchos ni siquiera llegarán a obtener representación) ¿no sería más práctico y eficiente pactar una coalición electoral? y repito, ya despues con los resultados entenderse y repartirse de una forma u otra la representación obtenida, que por lógica (y por aquello de la artimética electoral) será mucho mayor que la que obtendrán los partidos solos por separado. De las formaciones que concurren a las elecciones europeas de mayo de 2014 que menciono antes: La izquierda Plural, Primavera Europea, L’Esquerra pel Dret a Decidir, Los Pueblos Deciden, Podemos, Partido X…todos ellos comparten una serie de valores (respeto a las libertades democráticas, ideales progresistas, respeto por las realidades nacionales de los pueblos de Europa, ecologismo…) que deberían facilitarles el entendimiento. Si de verdad quieren que su esfuerzo sirva para algo, creo que algo de esto deberían ir teniéndolo en cuenta. Si no las mafias políticas organizadas lo tienen ya todo hecho, gracias a sus infinitos recursos mediáticos y con la legislación electoral apoyando a las formaciones mayoritarias y penalizando a las minoritas con la abstención y la dispersión del voto, si. Pero sobre todo gracias a la desunión de todo lo que representa una oposición organizada a ellos y sus intereses. Divide et impera.

El espectro político para las elecciones europeas 2014 dispersa el voto de la izquierda

September 17, 2012

Police terror in Madrid: Dozens of people “preventively arrested”

   Today hundreds of people have been identified again while they were gathered at a meeting to coordinate the event. “The arrest of peaceful demonstrators is part of the strategy of tension and criminalization of the mobilization by the government” said today the Member of Parliament Dr Gaspar LLamazares.

   This afternoon they’ve met again the police. Two vans have come to the Retiro park, where a meeting was being held, to cordon off the dozens of attendees and identify them with charges of “unlawful assembly“.

September 12, 2012

Nearly 2 million people demonstrated in Barcelona for democracy and independence in Catalonia

“just over my corpse”

   “Catalonia will be the next state in Europe” was the slogan of the demonstration. Some Spanish soldiers have already threatened to the democracy in Catalonia, as Colonel Alaman, who said he would only let Catalonia be independent, literally, “over his corpse“. This is no Scotland(UK) or Quebec(Canada) where everybody can make a referendum. This is Spain, where everybody remains spaniard until they die (except the people from Venezuela, Netherlands, Cuba, Philippines, Gibraltar, Colombia, Portugal, Chile, Puerto Rico, Andorra, Guinea, Mexico, Ecuador  etc etc..they all managed to defeat the Spanish Regime and be free..will Catalonia be next?)

December 22, 2011

Ann Bottle, Ansar’s wife,will be mayor in Madrid

ann bottle

Ann Bottle was the first lady during the presidency of Jose Mari Ansar. During that age, Mrs Bottle was a first lady of controversy and debate  for some of her opinions against homosexuals and her ultra-conservative way of thinking. She will inherit the most indebted municipality in Europe. Is this luxury-loving woman the ideal candidate for the job?

December 22, 2011

The new Government of Spain wishes to give a different picture to that of the former Government of General Franco

Soraya(right)with Rosa(left)



   At least that’s one of the reasons that political analysts point to justify the decision of President Mariano. He has chosen Soraya, a relatively young woman in her fifties, as a spokesperson for a government full of the old guard of General Franco.

December 21, 2011

Fron Lehman Brothers to the Government of Spain


“I’m so horny,baby…”says Luis

The new Minister of Economic Affairs of the Spanish Government, Luis de Guindos (like Louis from Windows®), was the Chief Director of Lehman Brothers in Spain and Portugal when the subprime mortgages scandal that
destabilized the world economy broke in 2008. This is the man chosen by Mariano to get Spain out of the ruin. He says he is really excited with his new job.  Banks too.

December 21, 2011

ZP, the big loser, says goodbye to Government

ZP says goodbye Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero , aka ZP, says goodbye to the palace where he has been living these last 8 years. He leaves the spanish goverment with nearly 5.000.000 people unemployed, territorial conflicts in Catalonia and the Basque Country, and an undeclared war inside his own political party for his sucesion. Now he says he wants to keep a low profile working for the PSOE think tank “La fundación de las idéas

December 21, 2011

Mariano, the messiah who will save Spain from ruin


   Mariano Rajoy says he believes in miracles like any good christian, so he’s got faith in the recovery of Spain from the depths of misery. The problem is that he (and his followers) seems to be the only ones who still believe that Spain can overcome their actual economic situation.His government has begun amid protests in the streets, outlaws and allegations of electoral fraud in the Basque Country, public corruption …but Mariano is confident he can rule with an iron fist. So far has said no more doctors or teachers, but more policemen jobs will be available soon to help fighting tha spanish 15M «indignados».